The research directions of the research team are divided into three major areas:
Metal subgroup I Non-Metal Subgroup I Heat dissipation
Metal subgroup:
High Entropy Alloys
NCU - Albert, Jonathan, Joyce
UNSW - Ruiran, Yifan
1. High Performance Hydrogen Storage Alloys for Small Grid and Remote Area Power Supply Applications
2. Advanced materials analysis and academic enhancement (with High Entropy Materials Center)
Non-Metal subgroup:
Porous silicon
UNSW - Simon, Sharon, Xinyu, Yuxuan
1. Research on porous nanosilica-based materials with high hydrogen storage capacity and low cost
2. Development and computational simulation study on high-performance hydrogen storage materials
Heat Dissipation:
NCU - Hugh, Kenny, Cheryl
1. Highly conductive carbon-based thin films/hydrogen storage alloy composite electrodes for lightweight Ni/MH thin-film batteries
2. Development and Characterization of High-Performance Composite for Thermal Management (with CMMT)
Other proposal:
1. Prospective development and application of high-entropy piezoelectric catalysts in water resources treatment
AB3-type Alloys
NCU - Asher
Carbon Nitride
NCU - Asher, Billy, Jenna
UNSW - Ghazaleh, Barton, Sunny